Another Fruit,
Another Bite
Status quo remains… if only!

Vinod loved the outdoors, and enjoyed going for nature walks. He was always looking out for new and interesting plants. The markings on the leaves and arrangement of petals in the flowers brought a twinkle to his eye. At school, he topped the class in Science and did very well in diagrams – especially getting all the details in. “I want to become a botanist when I grow up”, he told his parents.

With social-distancing practices enforced in his city, Vinod, now a young man, decided to go on a solo trek. He took his jeep and drove to a mountain far away from his city. It was a beautiful location and parking his jeep, he started wandering about. He took pictures of unusual plants and collected a few samples of twigs, leaves and flowers. He was enjoying himself so much that he forgot that time was ticking on.

Soon he was hungry and wanted a snack. “Oh dear!” he exclaimed. He had left his snack box behind in his jeep. He turned around and started looking for familiar plants along the way to guide him back.

Trudging along, he saw a bunch of bright blue-coloured wildflowers and decided to take a closer look. He walked up the rocky path that led him there. When he got to the top, Vinod lost his foothold and found himself skidding down to a pit. Thankfully, his boots bore the damage and he was happy to be safe in spite of the fall.

He pulled himself up clinging to a low branch and noticed a pale pink-coloured fruit in the shape of a pear on the tree. With his hunger getting the better of him, he decided to try this fruit. ‘Mmm’ – It tasted like strawberry with fresh cream, and Vinod loved it! He took a few more fruits to carry home. Soon he got tired and said aloud, ‘I wish my jeep was here’. Instantly, his dark green jeep showed up right in front of him. “Woah!” he exclaimed in excitement and fear.

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It tasted like strawberry with fresh cream, and Vinod loved it!
He took a few more fruits to carry home.
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He stepped onto his jeep with a bit of unease. Slowly recovering from the pleasant shock, he decided to test his ‘magic’ fruit again. He took another bite of the fruit and then muttered another wish: ‘I do need a new pair of trekking shoes.’ He shouted out in excitement as he found a brand-new pair right next to him.

He held on dearly to his priceless discovery and drove away. He decided to share this treasure with the scientists in his city.

When the scientists found out about this super-fruit, they were thrilled as well! However, rather than putting the magic powers to good use, they got busy making their selfish dreams come true.

Vinod was mad at the greedy scientists who did not use the
fruit to help find a vaccine for the pandemic, or solve world’s poverty issues.

Vinod was mad at the greedy scientists who did not use the fruit to help find a vaccine for the pandemic, or solve world’s poverty issues. In frustration one day while biting into the fruit, Vinod wished: ‘Let everyone forget about the magic powers of the fruit’.

But the situation took an unusual turn, as he also forgot about the fruit. He happily ate it up and threw the seed outside the window.

A few months later Vinod was gearing up for another trek. If only he had remembered the magic fruit, he might have wished: ‘Make people unselfish’.

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Ivan Boniface

Ivan Boniface, a 9-year-old who loves God and nature.

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